Alternate Multi-Clause Function Syntax


This was an experiment I did reimagining the syntax for defining multi-clause functions.

Defining additional clauses for a named function looks the same as defining entirely new functions; the names and arities just match the original.

def first([head | _tail]) do

def first([]) do

When a function has default arguments and multiple clauses, the defaults must live in a separate function head.

def first(list, default \\ nil)

def first([head | _tail], _default) do

def first([], default) do

In my opinion this syntax has a couple downside:

  • It can be difficult to see at first glance that definitions are clauses of the same function.
  • Defining many clauses of a function requires repetition of the function name.

Multi-clause anonymous functions have a much more succinct syntax.

  [head | _tail], _default ->

  [], default ->

The anonymous function syntax is a lot clearer at first glance, and it seems more consistent with other Elixir constructs such as case/1. Unfortunately there's not a great way to use this syntax with named functions, and since anonymous functions must be a consistent arity, their syntax doesn't provide for default arguments.

This experiment is an attempt to combine my favorite parts of both syntaxes. It will enable definitions such as this:

def first(list, default \\ nil) do
  [head | _tail], _default ->

  [], default ->


To support the syntax I created a new set of "def" macros. They look for use of the new syntax and transform it to multiple clauses of the function, falling back to their Kernel counterparts if the new syntax is not used.


To support the syntax, I created a new set of "def" macros. They look for use of the new syntax and transform it to multiple clauses of the function, falling back to their Kernel counterparts if the new syntax is not used.

Skip implementation details.


The macros implemented are def/2, defp/2, defmacro/2, and defmacrop/2. Each will use a shared function define/4 for building the returned code.

macros =
  quote do
    defmacro def(call, expr) do
      define(:def, call, expr, __CALLER__)

    defmacro defp(call, expr) do
      define(:defp, call, expr, __CALLER__)

    defmacro defmacro(call, expr) do
      define(:defmacro, call, expr, __CALLER__)

    defmacro defmacrop(call, expr) do
      define(:defmacrop, call, expr, __CALLER__)


The shared private function define/4 parses the code passed to the macros. If the function head is formatted properly, and if the function body is 2 or more -> clauses of the same arity as the head, a block of definitions is built and returned.

If the function head is not properly formatted, or if the function body does not comprise -> clauses, define/4 falls back to the appropriate def macro in Kernel.

If any of the -> are of a different arity than the function head, a compile error is raised.

define =
  quote do
    @typep def_type() :: :def | :defp | :defmacro | :defmacrop

    @spec define(def_type(), Macro.t(), Macro.t(), Macro.Env.t()) :: Macro.t()
    defp define(type, call, expr, env) do
      with {:ok, name, arity} <- parse_call(call),
           {:ok, clauses, rest} <- parse_expr(expr, arity) do
        quote do
          # define a function head with original call to handle argument names and defaults
          unquote(build_definition(type, call, nil))

          # define each clause
          unquote_splicing(build_definitions(type, name, clauses, rest))
        # if new syntax not used, fallback to original
        :fallback ->
          build_definition(type, call, expr)

        # not all clauses match function arity
        {:arity, actual: actual, expected: expected, line: line} ->
          raise CompileError,
            description: "incorrect arity; expected: #{expected}, got: #{actual}",
            file: env.file,
            line: line || env.line


Parsing calls

The call argument to the macros looks like a function call. Its AST is a 3-arity tuple containing the function name, code metadata, and arguments.

quote do: first(list, default \\ nil)
{:first, [], [{:list, [], Elixir}, {:\\, [], [{:default, [], Elixir}, nil]}]}

A variable's AST looks a lot like a function call's AST except in place of a list of args there's an atom context. A definition for a 0-arity function or macro without parentheses will receive a variable here instead of a function call, but you can't have multiple clauses of a 0-arity function, so those can fall back to the Kernel macros.

quote do: first
{:first, [], Elixir}

The parse_call/1 function just checks that the function name is an atom and that arguments is a list, and it returns the name and arity (length of argument list).

parse_call =
  quote do
    @spec parse_call(Macro.t()) :: {:ok, atom(), arity()} | :fallback
    defp parse_call(call)

    defp parse_call({name, _meta, args}) when is_atom(name) and is_list(args) do
      {:ok, name, length(args)}

    defp parse_call(_call) do


Parsing function bodies

Parsing expr is a little more involved. It should be a keyword list starting with :do and a list of calls to a :-> function. One clause of parse_expr/2 will match on a list with a {:do, block} keyword at its head where block is a list with {:->, _, _} at its head. It parses all the -> clauses and checks their arities. Anything else signals a need to fall back to Kernel defs.

parse_expr =
  quote do
    @typep clause() :: {[Macro.t()], guard(), keyword(), Macro.t()}

    # explained later, but I'll store parsed guards as functions
    @typep guard() :: (Macro.t() -> Macro.t())

    @spec parse_expr(Macro.t(), arity()) ::
            {:ok, [clause()], keyword()} | :fallback | {:arity, keyword()}
    defp parse_expr(expr, arity)

    defp parse_expr([{:do, clauses = [{:->, _, _} | _]} | rest], arity) do
      parsed_clauses =, &parse_clause/1)

      case Enum.find(parsed_clauses, &bad_arity?(&1, arity)) do
        {args, _guard, meta, _block} ->
          {:arity, actual: length(args), expected: arity, line: meta[:line]}

        nil ->
          {:ok, parsed_clauses, rest}

    defp parse_expr(_expr, _arity) do

    @spec bad_arity?(clause(), arity()) :: boolean()
    defp bad_arity?({args, _guard, _meta, _block}, arity) do
      length(args) != arity


Parsing clauses and guards

Guards appear differently in the AST between the named function syntax and the anonymous function syntax.

They always look like a call to a non-existent function named "when", but for named functions the first argument is the entire function call.

quote do
  do_something(a, b) when is_atom(a)
{:when, [],
   {:do_something, [], [{:a, [], Elixir}, {:b, [], Elixir}]},
   {:is_atom, [context: Elixir, imports: [{1, Kernel}]], [{:a, [], Elixir}]}

But for anonymous functions (or case clauses or the like), the arguments to "when" are all the arguments plus the guard.

[{:->, [], [[guard], _block]}] =
  quote do
    a, b when is_atom(a) -> {a, b}

{:when, [],
   {:a, [], Elixir},
   {:b, [], Elixir},
   {:is_atom, [context: Elixir, imports: [{1, Kernel}]], [{:a, [], Elixir}]}

For each clause, parse_clause/1 uses parse_guard/1 to check the args for a guard and return a function that applies the guard to a block of code. If there is no guard it returns Function.identity/1, which takes an AST (or any value) and returns it as is.

parse_clause =
  quote do
    @spec parse_clause(Macro.t()) :: clause()
    defp parse_clause({:->, meta, [args, block]}) do
      {args, guard} = parse_guard(args)
      {args, guard, meta, block}

    @spec parse_guard(Macro.t()) :: {[Macro.t()], guard()}
    defp parse_guard(args)

    defp parse_guard([{:when, meta, args}]) do
      {args, [guard]} = Enum.split(args, -1)
      {args, &{:when, meta, [&1, guard]}}

    defp parse_guard(args) do
      {args, &Function.identity/1}


Building definitions

Compared to the parsing, it's fairly easy to build the calls that actually define functions.

The build_definitions/4 function maps over clauses, builds the ast for a call as expected by the Kernel defs, applies the parsed guard function, and calls build_definition/3.

build_definitions =
  quote do
    @spec build_definitions(def_type(), atom(), [clause()], keyword()) :: [Macro.t()]
    defp build_definitions(type, name, clauses, rest) do, fn {args, guard, meta, block} ->
        call = guard.({name, meta, args})
        build_definition(type, call, [{:do, block} | rest])


Then build_definition/3 just returns a call to the appropriate Kernel macro.

build_definition =
  quote do
    @spec build_definition(def_type(), Macro.t(), Macro.t()) :: Macro.t()
    defp build_definition(type, call, expr) do
      quote do
        Kernel.unquote(type)(unquote(call), unquote(expr))


MultiClauseDef module

Now it's time to put it all together. Normally I would use defmodule/2, but since all the pieces are quoted expressions a module can be created from an AST using Module.create/3.

ast =
  quote do

Module.create(MultiClauseDef, ast, __ENV__)


The MultiClauseDef macros can be imported as long as their Kernel counterparts are excluded from beig automatically imported.

Now the new syntax can be used.

defmodule MyModule do
  import Kernel, except: [def: 2], warn: false
  import MultiClauseDef, only: [def: 2]

  def first(list, default \\ nil) do
    [head | _tail], _default ->

    [], default ->


Using the new syntax, it feels clearer to me that I'm looking at 2 clauses of the first/2 function instead of different functions.

The defined function works as expected. When passed a non-empty list, the first clause matches and returns the first element in the list.

MyModule.first([:a, :b, :c], :d)

If the list is empty, the second clause matches and returns the default.

MyModule.first([], :d)

And the default argument for default still works.


Guard clauses also work as expected, clause order is preserved, and the new macros can be used with single-clause functions. To illustrate, I'll create a function that dispatches to a recursive private function (the exact functionality is gibberish and doesn't matter).

defmodule AnotherModule do
  import Kernel, except: [def: 2, defp: 2]
  import MultiClauseDef, only: [def: 2, defp: 2]

  def do_something(string) when is_binary(string) do
    do_something(string, [])

  defp do_something(string, acc) do
    # upcases lowercase letters
    <<character, string::binary>>, acc when character in ?a..?z ->
      do_something(string, [character + ?A - ?a | acc])

    # retains digits
    <<character, string::binary>>, acc when character in ?0..?9 ->
      do_something(string, [character | acc])

    # omits any other characters
    <<_character, string::binary>>, acc ->
      do_something(string, acc)

    # converts acc (reversed from original) back to string
    <<>>, acc ->


And just to show that compiled into something that does something:


Wrap Up

Of course I'd never do something like this in production code, but this exercise was fun for me. I got to play with metaprogramming, and I'm pretty happy with how the new syntax turned out. I feel like especially with the second example the separation between the public do_something/1 and the private do_something/2 is much clearer than the standard syntax.